Los Pollitos Dicen Piano Notes
In this week’s episode of Some Notes About Music, you will learn how to play Los Pollitos Dicen on the piano or xylophone. As I mention in the videos, what I recommend highly is to learn the notes on your piano, xylophone or whatever instrument you are learning on. Many people learn to play a little by ear which is fine, but to really get the most out of music, learning your notes is essential.
You will find that the better you know your musical notes, the quicker you will be able to learn and sing new songs. Remember that music only has 7 letter notes, A B C D E F G. Watch the lesson below and be sure to scroll down to download the PDF of Los Pollitos Dicen that you can play with your kids. Teach them and then sing together!
The origins of this songs varied widely in the research that I found. What I do know is that it is sung in all Spanish speaking countries. It is a song that most parents will sing to their kids in the home or in school. It’s a beautiful simple melody that is easy to remember and sing.
Los Pollitos Dicen Notas de Piano
En este episodio vamos a aprender como tocar Los Pollitos Dicen en el piano y el xilófono. Como menciono en mis videos, recomiendo aprender las notas del piano o xilófono, o cualquier instrumento que este aprendiendo sus niños. Mucha gente aprende solo por oido que esta bien, pero para realmente disfrutar un instrumento, aprender las notas es fundamental.
Abajo encontraras las notas de piano para Los Pollitos Dicen. Aprenda junto a sus niños y no se olviden de cantar!
Best Approach to Learning New Song
- Review each color and note with your child or student
- Play with xylophone or stickers on the piano
- Follow along the color pattern of song
- Play a few times, then sing along
- Want to read even more. I use this free app to practice sight reading with my students
Play Los Pollitos Dicen on the Piano or Xylophone
Playing music is as easy as following the notes on the page. Let’s play Los Pollitos Dicen. Below you will find the notes and also you can click to get a printable PDF version of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Teach your kids all the musical notes A B C D E F G on the piano or xylophone and then play together. It’s so much fun to share music as a family.
Have Questions?
Are you teaching your kids piano, guitar, bassoon or any other instrument? Send us a question. If you want your musical questions answered on a future episode, write us on our Instagram @colormemozartkids or Youtube @colormemozart anytime.