Basic Tuned Xylophone
5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 47 reviews)



The Color Me Mozart™ basic xylophone makes it super easy to play all the songs in the accompanying books. It is a tuned C Major Scale xylophone crafted in metal and wood that sounds as good as it looks.

  • Vibrant colors match directly to songs!
  • Perfectly tuned C Scale C-D-E-F-G-A-B-C
  • Matches complete Color Me Mozart curriculum
  • Two wood mallets included

Best way to immerse your children in music!!

April 9, 2020

For a long time I have been wanting to involve my children in some type of music activity but I felt maybe they were too young. These books have shown me otherwise. They are so easy and simple for my kids to follow and they love them! As a mom I want my children to be immersed in activities that are fun for them and create a passion they want to continue, I highly recommend COLORmeMozart!


So happy with this set!

April 9, 2020

I was running out of things to do with my little ones during our time indoors, when I came across this program. It’s been so much fun to watch my kids play music on the xylophone and piano from the moment we opened the set. I cannot recommend this enough to all parents!

Andrea O

Truly Amazing!

April 5, 2020

I have a 4-yr-old and 5-yr-old and I was running out of things to keep them entertained during this time at home. I had read about the Color Me Mozart program and decided to order this set. All I can say is, my children LOVE IT!! And I love the fact that not only are they having fun but they are learning real music. I recommend this to ALL parents!

Lauren R

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A close up of the surface of an orange and white object.