Almost There. Kickstarter Campaign is 80% Funded!

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Happy New Year!

Before anything else, we want to wish you a very Happy New Year! We hope you had a great time looking back at 2018 and also took a moment to what awaits in the new year.

I always like to take a moment in the day to review goals that were accomplished in the year and set new goals for the coming year. You’d be surprised at how grateful you become by just thinking about what has happened. The busyness of life tends to murk the waters of appreciating all the little blessings that happen to us.

In the Home Stretch

With that said, one of the things to be grateful for is all of you and this new project for Color Me Mozart which is very dear to my heart. WOW! That is all I can say. And a big Thank You of course! With your help, we have reached the 80% funding mark on the Color Me Mozart Kickstarter Campaign. There is still one week to go and the last twenty percent but we’re in the home stretch.

We still need your help so if you’ve helped already and can continue to spread the word, that would be great. Grab the link below and share it on your facebook page, instagram, twitter, messenger pigeon, anything that will get the word out.

Kickstarter Link to share:

We Need Your Stories

One of the things I enjoy most is sharing this journey of music education together with you. With that said, if you have any stories to share about the power of music in you or your family’s life, please share it with us so we can post it here on the website. Your story could inspire others to bing music into their homes as well.

One of the stories I love sharing the most is when I see a family sharing music together. Whether it’s learning the guitar, piano or just having a holiday singalong, music is a wonderful medium that connects us all as humans.

I will be creating a page in the coming days for you to share your story with us so that it may inspire others. Once again, thank you all for being on this journey with us, I literally wake up so excited every day knowing this is what I was meant to do.

Happy New Year and thank you again! Let’s hit 100%!

~Adrian Edward

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