Will Learning Music Make My Kids Smarter?
It’s a question that every parent asks themselves. Does learning music make my kids smarter ? It’s most definitely a legitimate question and one that deserves an answer. Clearly this is a massive topic and one that goes beyond one podcast. However, we will take a quick dive into this fascinating topic and see what we can come up with.
First of all, I believe the articles and papers we discuss in today’s episode of Let’s Talk Music will surprise you. I know for a fact that they blew me away when I read them. Furthermore, I still continue to discover more and more research that is absolutely astonishing when it comes to the topic of music education. Specifically in how it relates to a child’s early development.
Following the Research
My main goal with this podcast was to not really on any emotional plea in favor of this argument. Additionally, I wanted to make sure we looked at the scientific evidence.
I was open to the possibility that perhaps the science would point in a different direction than my assumptions. We will look at two studies and a fascinating article from the New York Times.
So let’s look to see if learning music will make your kids smarter.
Obviously, we cannot make hard-line conclusions from just a few studies, however the evidence points in a promising direction. I was pleased to read that music has the potential to inlufence our lives in such a profound way. That music can and does change who we are from the first stages development all throughout adulthood.
I hope you enjoyed our journey today. What are your thoughts on the role of music in your own life? How has it changed you or influenced your life?
Resources & Links
N.Y.T. Article: New Ways Into the Brain’s Music Room
Frontiers in Psychology: Relating Language and Music Skills in Young Children: A First Approach to Systemize and Compare Distinct Competencies on Different Levels
New England Bd. of Higher Ed.: Tuning In: Six Benefits of Music Education for Kids