Benefits of Music for Toddlers

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Music for Toddlers

Music, as we all know, can be of tremendous benefit to children. As a music therapist, I can personally attest to the change music has made in the lives of so many students. That is why music for toddlers can be of such help if we include it in our school curriculum. Music education doesn’t not have to be complicated, however it does need to be effective. Simply offering singalongs to young children is not enough. In the same way that we begin teaching letters, numbers, colors and shapes as a foundation for cognitive development, music should also be included.

I have long made the case that music is a language, no more no less. Of course, on an artistic level, we can make the argument that music has other qualities. While that is true, I am simply making the argument that just as children learn their mother tongue, so too can they learn music. Music is something that needs to be absorbed. Notes, as with numbers and letters, turn into melodies, songs and creations beyond our imagination. Why not give this gift of music to all young children?

I’ve asked myself that question many times. The only logical answer I can come up with is that music carries with it a stigma of being too difficult to learn, too costly or simply too cumbersome into existing school curriculum. Nothing could be further from the truth. Imagine if we treated the alphabet  as too difficult to learn or numbers too complex a concept?

Music, if broken down into it’s most basic parts, can be learned by any child and taught by any adult. Teaching music to toddlers, pre-schoolers and elementary-age children is not only something feasible, but in my opinion, necessary.

Benefits of Music for Toddlers and Children

Besides the obvious benefits music has in all of our lives, when it comes to a child’s development, there can be even more positive outcomes. While different results can come from focusing on different aspects of music, the list below are many of the positive outcomes that can result.

  • Cognitive development
  • Emotional expression
  • Improved social skills
  • Stress reduction
  • Improvement of fine motor skills
  • Improvement of gross motor skills
  • Better communication

Music offers many benefits. It can be as simple as making a child have a great time singing and playing along. Additionally, it can serve as a great educational tool that will compliment all other areas of their development.

Music As A Therapy

So therapeutic is music that an entire branch of therapy has developed over the years known as Music Therapy. Wikipedia describes music therapy as the following: an evidence-based clinical use of musical interventions used to improve clients’ quality of life. Working as a music therapist for the past ten years, I can certainly attest to the power that music has in the lives of children.

Goals vary from student to student, but the goal of music therapy is to use music as the tool to aid in the proper development of each child. Using music related activities, the music therapist can enhance their physical and mental well being. This can help children who have autism, brain injuries, depression, Down syndrome or any other disabilities.

Where To Go From Here

If you want to begin your journey of music with your kids, we want to be your solution. Click here for our Little Mozart Music Setand get started today. It includes everything you need to bring music education into your home and classroom. And the best part is that we’re with you every step of the way. We’re here for any help you may need along the way. Music is for life.

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