Recital Prep: Getting Ready for a Show!

What's In Today's Lesson?

🕐 Welcome and singalong | 4 min

  • Have students sit down. After they are seated, have them say their names.
  • Invite students to tell you what their favorite songs are.
  • Announce that they’re going to sing “If You’re Happy and You Know It” and “The ABC’s”.
  • Have students and do movements for “If You’re Happy and You Know It.”
  • Tell students that this lesson is about a special kind of treasure – music. Music is very special just like treasure is very special.


🕐 Learning about the piano and guitar | 3 min 

  • Ask students if they have ever seen a piano before or if any of them have one in their home.
  • Celebrate with them that they will be learning how to play the piano!
  • Ask students if they have even seen a guitar before.
  • Have students vote, by a show of hands, which instrument is their favorite, the piano or the guitar?


🕐 Learning our first notes: C, D, and E (on xylophone) | 3 min 

  • This portion has playing examples.
  • Pause video when playing examples with multiple students. 
  • If you are using xylophones, hand them out during this section of the lesson with only one(1) mallet per student.


🕐 C,D, and E Notes on Piano | 3 min

  • Skip this section is you are using only xylophones in your classroom.
  • If you have a floor keyboard, set it up now and invite some students to come up and try the examples on the screen. 
  • Pause video when playing examples with multiple students. 

Goodbye & Final Song | 3 Min 

  • Explain to students the importance of practice and completing worksheets.
  • Congratulate them on officially becoming musicians.
  • Sing “Old MacDonald Had a Farm.” 


Hint: To get the fastest internet speeds, preview all your screens ahead of time so they are pre-loaded in your computer and close all open windows except for Color Me Mozart.