Wheels on the Bus

Lesson #30 | Wheels on the Bus

In this lesson, we will cover the first pages of Level 2: Mozi & the Treble Clef. Our main goal int his lesson is to relate the shapes and colors to our first three notes: C, D, and E. These first three notes are the foundation for our first song in the next lesson, Mary Had a Little Lamb.

Color Me Mozart™ Worksheet #30

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Lesson 30 Worksheet

In this lesson, we will be completing Worksheet #30. Remember to compete each exercise before moving on to the next one. Below are some tips:

  • Take your time and complete each exercise
  • Play slowly at first and then build up speed
  • Do the suggested listening mentioned in the worksheet, lots of great music!

Need this worksheet or more activity pages?

To make lessons more enjoyable, we’ve prepared fun worksheets and activity pages for you and your child. Below you will find a link that will take you to all the worksheets. You can also click the worksheet above for today’s worksheet. They are free to print and use as much as you like. You can also order a copy of the workbook anytime by visiting the Color Me Mozart™ store.

Click here for worksheets and activity pages.